

Professional flexo printing inks, rotogravure printing inks and lacquers.

EOL-00001  is designed for rotogravure printing .

Product Name : Overprint Lacquer

Product Code : EOL-00001

Solid Content : 21+/-2 

Printing Type : Rotogravure

Üretim Vizkositesi : 25-30 sec (DIN CUP 4 25 C)

Production Viscosity :   Rotogravure  : 14-15 sec (DIN CUP 4 25 C)

Thinner :                 Rotogravure  : 50%Ethyl Acetate 50% Ethyl  Alcohol          

Application Amount : 1-2 gr/m2 (changed with the conditions of the customer)

Usage Area : It is designed to be used in flat printing jobs. It protects the printed surface at the same time.

Shelf Life : EOL-00001 Overprint Lacquer is kept in airtight original packages for 1 year.


Note : The above information is based on our laboratory test results. Differences in application conditions may change the data. In this case, please contact our technical department.


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